
Showing posts from November, 2019

Today we had our assembly!

Today we had our assembly and it was a success! All of the students in Room 9 practiced so much and were so confident with their parts! Thank you to all the students for your hard work. - Please remember to return dance forms and pizza forms to participate in each event. - A green bake sale form is going home today. Please read over. This form does not need to be returned to school. - The school Family Dance is taking place on December 12th from 6:00-7:00 pm. All families are welcome to attend. All child must be accompanied by an adult.


Today students in grade 3/4 were challenged to answer subtraction questions using base 10 blocks. There is a video that we watch to help us understand the concept of regrouping. You child can practice this strategy (traditional) as well as the break apart, base 10, number line strategy at home. Grade 3 students are expected to solve 3 digit by 3 digit questions and Grade 4 students are expected to solve 4 digit by 4 digit questions. - Assembly is on Thursday at 10:15 - Tomorrow is Fun Lunch!  - Please return the pizza party form before Dec 10th or you child will not receive pizza  - Please return the dance residency form of your child will not be able to participate in gym when they are here.  😻Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students  

Lyrics to Song for Assembly

Here are the lyrics for the two songs that the grade 3/4 students will be singing on Thursday. Your child's homework is to read over and practice these songs

Busy Week Ahead

Today we watched the video below and talked about what type of characteristics the pig has. We talked about the importance of having perseverance and to work hard and not give up. We have a busy week ahead of us. Tomorrow is PJ Day. Students are able to wear their pajamas and bring a stuffy that can fit in their backpack. On Wednesday there is Subway Fun Lunch. Students have been notified if they have ordered or now. On Thursday we are having our Assembly from 10:15 - 10:45. Parents and guardians are welcome to come and watch. 💘Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

Extra Music!

This week the Grade 5/6s are at outdoor school, and as a result the Grade 3/4s have been given the opportunity to have extra music time. During this time in music the students finished writing their lyrics for the song they will sing at the assembly. We also learnt about 3 other addition strategies to uses when combining numbers. These strategies are called traditional, break apart, base ten, and number line. Ask your child if they can show the equation 346 + 274 in all four ways. - There is no school on Friday - PJ Day is on November 26th - Grade 3/4 Assembly is on November 28th from 10:15-10:45 - Subway Fun Lunch is on November 27th 😍Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

Break Apart Strategy

Today we reviewed the different steps in writing. These steps include brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing and publishing. Ask your child which step they are on in their power writing. Today in Math, students were given the opportunity to look over their marked assessment. Ask your student how they did on this assessment. We also learnt a strategy for addition. This strategy is called the break apart method. Ask your child to share this strategy with you at home. In Social Studies we are continuing to prepare for our assembly that will be on November 28th at 10:15. - There is no school on Friday - PJ day is on November 26th - Grade 3/4 Assembly is on November 28th 💙Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

Moving Forward in Math

In math we will be starting to review and learn concepts related to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will first focus on addition and subtraction and then move on to multiplication and division in the near future. Below are the Alberta curricular outcomes that are related to these operations. Practicing these concepts at home will ensure your student is getting plenty of practice and will boost their confidence with mental math questions.  Grade 3 - I can describe and apply mental mathematics strategies for adding two 2-digit numerals. - I can describe and apply mental mathematics strategies for subtracting two 2-digit numerals. - I can apply estimation strategies to predict sums and differences of two 2-digit numerals in a problem-solving context. - I can demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of numbers with answers to 1000 (limited to 1-, 2- and 3-digit numerals), concretely, pictorially and symbolically.  - I can apply mental math s

Turtle Art in French

Today was the last day to finish the Turtle art in French. The Grade 3/4s are creating turtles in French because it is Metis Week and there is a legend that turtles are the creator of the Earth. In Social Studies it was our first day to begin to create presentations for our assembly. - The Grade 3/4 Assembly is on November 28th - PJ Day is on November 26th 😻Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

Learning Assembly

As we get closer to the Grade 3/4 learning assembly on November 28th, we are continuing to prepare our presentation. We are planning on sharing our learning about the Regions of Alberta in a fun and creative way! Today was our second last day to complete the written piece about the region your child has been learning about. Reminder that students will be completing a Place Value assessment on Thursday. Details of this assessment are on a blog post below. - Grade 3/4 learning assembly is on November 28th from 10:15 - 10:45 - Place Value assessment is this Thursday - Pajama Day is on Thursday November 26th (more information to come) 💝Ms. Rothe and Students in Room 9

Place Value Assessment on Thursday

Students will be completing a place value assessment on Thursday. Grade 3s will be working with 3 digit numbers and Grade 4s will be working with 4 digit numbers. Here are the concepts that the assessment will cover: 1. Demonstrate numbers in standard form (56), expanded form (50+6), base ten form (drawing 5 tens rods and 6 ones cubes) and written form (fifty six) 2. Identify the value of the underlined digit ( 5 6     ones) 3. Order a set of numbers from least to greatest and greatest to least 4. Estimate the value by looking at a picture 5. Skip count by 3s, 4s, 5s, and 10s Here are some practice questions that your child can complete.  ♡ Ms. Rothe

No school on Monday

A reminder that there is no school on Monday. Have a great long weekend!

Alberta Regions

Today was the last day for students to collect information about Alberta's Regions. If they did not finish, they are expected to finish this at home. Below are the questions they are answering: Below are some websites that have information regarding the regions: - Poppy donations are accepted until Friday - Tomorrow is class photos are retakes

A Poppy is to Remember

Today we started reading a book about Remembrance Day. The book is called Poppy Day. After lunch we started to make our background for our pappy art. Ask your child what materials we used to create the background for our poppy art. Today was our second last day to gather information for our Alberta Regions project. Students are expected to be completed with this research by Friday. If they are not finished, they will have to finish this work at home. - Class photos and retakes are on Thursday. If you would like your child to have a retake please send the proof photo back to school or write a note stating that you would like them to have retakes. 💚Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

Regions of Alberta/Grade 3/4 Assembly

Our Grade 3/4 learning assembly will be on November 28th from 10:15 - 10:45. During this time, students will be sharing their learning about an Alberta Region that they have been gathering information about. Students are expected to have this research completed by Friday, and if they are not complete, they will need to finish at home. Here are two websites that they can use to gather information about their assigned region: - Class Photos and Retakes will be on Thursday ♡ Ms. Rothe

Class Photos and Retakes

Photo Retakes & Class Photo – Thurs, Nov 7, 2019 Proofs of the individual photos were sent home with students on Mon, Nov 4, 2019.  If you would like your child to have retakes please send the original proof sheet to school with your child. Your child will give the photographer the proof so the photographer can see how to improve the image.  If you do not have the proof sheet on Nov 7, please send a handwritten note allowing your child to have retakes. All students at school on Thurs, Nov 7 will be in the class photo.  This is the last day the photographers will be at Thorncliffe School for this school year.    J