Family Dance is Tonight

Tonight is the Family Dance and we would love to see everyone there. A reminder that all students must come with an adult. There will be a bake sale to raise money for our school. The Family Dance is from 6:00 - 7:00.

In Science, students are continuing to design a new bridge for Prince's Island Park. They have provided 3 views of their bridge design as well as listed the materials they would use. Ask your child what they named their bridge. When we are finished these design we plan on sending them to the city for ideas of a new replacement bridge.

A timed 5 minute multiplication assessment is being sent home today. Please sign and return this paper.

- Parent teacher conferences are on Thursday and Friday of next week.
- Please return your Alien Inline form if you have not done so already
- Free Fun Lunch is on Dec 19th

💚Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students