
Showing posts from December, 2019


Today in Phys Ed Room 9 students played a game called doctor doctor with Mrs. Traquair. In this game there is one doctor that the other team doesn't know about. If you get hit a ball, them you have to sit down and the doctor has to save you. If the doctor gets hit then a new round is started. We also watched a video about the marshmallow challenge that we completed yesterday. This video tells us about the importance of prototyping when designing a structure. We will try this challenge again in the new year. Here is the video that watched. - Free Fun Lunch is tomorrow - Parent Teacher Conferences are tomorrow and Friday. - There is no school on Friday. Winter break is from Dec 20th - Jan 5th. Classes resume of Jan 6th. 💚Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students 

Who can build the tallest tower?

Today the grade 3/4 students in Room 9 were challenged to create the tallest tower possible using only 20 spaghetti noodles and 1 meter of tape. The tower had to hold one large marshmallow at the top. Here are the students' creations.  Reminders: - Parent Teach Conferences are on Thursday and Friday. -There is no school on Friday - Free Fun Lunch is on Thursday - Classes resume on Jan 6th. 💖Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

3D Shapes

Today we have been learning all about 3D shapes. They were challenged to create a description for a shape without telling us what the shape is called. For example, my shape has one face, one vertex and one edge. What shape am I? Ask your child what a edge, face and vertex is. - Parent teacher conferences are on Thursday and Friday. If you have not done so already, please book a conference online. - There is no school for students on Friday December 20th. Classes resume on January 6th - Free Fun Lunch is on Thursday. 💓Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

Family Dance is Tonight

Tonight is the Family Dance and we would love to see everyone there. A reminder that all students must come with an adult. There will be a bake sale to raise money for our school. The Family Dance is from 6:00 - 7:00. In Science, students are continuing to design a new bridge for Prince's Island Park. They have provided 3 views of their bridge design as well as listed the materials they would use. Ask your child what they named their bridge. When we are finished these design we plan on sending them to the city for ideas of a new replacement bridge. A timed 5 minute multiplication assessment is being sent home today. Please sign and return this paper. - Parent teacher conferences are on Thursday and Friday of next week. - Please return your Alien Inline form if you have not done so already - Free Fun Lunch is on Dec 19th 💚Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students


This week Amy is joining us in gym to teach us a few more dances before the Family Dance on Thursday. We learnt a dance that has the dab in it, as well as the whip and the nay nay.  In reading we are learning about four different types of bridges. Ask your child what the name of each bridge is called and what they look like. Maybe they can even draw an example of what each bridge looks like.  - Family Dance is on Thursday from 6:00 - 7:00. Students must come with an adult. If you have baked goods for the bake sale please bring them to school in the afternoon of the 12th - Fun Lunch is on Dec 19th - this will be a free pizza fun lunch - Parent-Teacher Conferences will take place on Dec 19th and 20th 💚Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students 

New Bridge for Prince's Island Park

Today students learnt about the new bridge that will be built in Prince's Island Park. We learnt about the new bridge design and how it was not approved. Students then made a blue print to share what bridge they would make if they were the architect for this project. Here us the video and news article we read. - Twin, Triplet Day is tomorrow  - Family Dance and Bake Sale is on Thursday at 6:00 - 7:00 - Alien Inline form is going home today. Please sign and return

Book Fair



Today in our dance residency students learnt many new dance moves. Some of the dance moves include the cabbage patch, the old school, the prep, the reebok, the robo cop and the running man. During reading we are learning how to make annotations while we read. When we do this it is call close reading. We have learnt 10 symbols that we can use when we are annotating. - Twin day in on Dec 10th - Family Dance Dec 12th 💖Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

Basic Facts

Today a note went home with students regarding math. Below is a link to the basic facts that students are encouraged to practice at home. Please print off these cards and cut them out or create your own at home. Basic Fact Cards In Science today students were asked the question how do humans impact the world around them?  Ask your child what their ideas of how we can make a positive impact and negative impact on the world. - Pizza Fun Lunch is on Dec 19th, students must return their form to receive pizza - Twin day is on Dec 10th - Family Dance is on Dec 12th 💓Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students


In Math we are continuing to learn about multiplication. The grade 3s learned how to make equal groups when solving a multiplication question. The grade 4s learnt about the box and traditional method when multiplying 2/3 digits by 1 digit. In Phys Ed we had Amy come to each us about hip hop dance. She taught us the rock bounce, bounce  and Janet Jackson move. Ask your child if they remember any of the move that they learnt today. - Twin day is on Dec 10th - The Family is on Dec 12th from 6:00 - 7:00. An adult must attend with your child. 🖤Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

Cup Towers

Today we did a science experiment were students were challenged to create the tallest structure using only 22 cups. Ask your child how many stories their structure was. Today we also watched the video below to help build our understanding of multiplication. We learned 4 different ways to find a solution to an equation. The strategies we learnt are: arrays, repeated addition, equal groups and number line. - The dance residency is this week. Students must return their form to participate. - Please return pizza forms - Twin/triplet/quadruplet day is on Dec 10th - The Family Dance is on Dec 12th from 6:00 - 7:00 ♡ Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students