
Showing posts from February, 2020

Many forms to fill out and send back to school

Yesterday two forms were sent home at the end of the day. One was informing parents and guardians about the Scientist in School program that is coming to our classroom on March 11th. The other was a form with information regarding Trickster. Please ensure that you fill out and send back how many ticket your family will be needing for the show. Today a new letter is being sent home to ONLY grade 4 students regarding human sexuality. Please fill out the form and send it back to school. - Please return forms ASAP - Trickster evening performance is next Thursday 💚 Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

Busy Day

Today we had a very busy day with fun lunch, Pink Shirt Day and Lacrosse. In Lacrosse we played a very fun relay race game where students were challenged to gather as many balls as possible. Tennis balls were worth 1 point, yellow (money balls) were worth 2 points, and red white and blue balls were worth 5 points. Ask your child how many points they received each round. - Next week is going to be a very busy week with Trickster. Students are expected to be present for the evening performance. - A salmon coloured form is going home today. If you are able to volunteer and have your police clearance please fill out the form and sent it back to school. 😻Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students 

Plastic Packaging

Today during science we reflected on what we all ate for lunch. Students were then asked about what types of packing were used in their lunch, as well as what went into the trash from their lunch. Students answered the question: I have ___ pieces of plastic from my lunch today. Ask you child how many pieces that had in their lunch. STUDENTS ARE CHALLENGED TO PACK A WASTE FREE LUNCH FOR TOMORROW. We will reflect on how many students were successful with this challenge tomorrow. Ms. Weir asks students to inquire about the song happy birthday. How far back in the family tree do you know of family members who have sung happy birthday. Today students completed their math test. They will receive their results next week. - Pink Shirt Day and Opa Fun Lunch are on February 26th 💘Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

Division Test is Tomorrow

Today the grade 3 and 4 students reviewed all of the concepts that we have learnt for division. The grade 3s did some practice questions in class that are posted below. The grade 4s are brining home some practice questions to complete before tomorrow's test. A guest speaker will be visiting us for Trickster soon This week we have been working on completing art that is inspired by the First Nation's artist Jason Carter. Ask your child what their picture is of, and what the names of the mountains are in the scenery. - Division Test is Tomorrow  💛Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students 


This week we are wrapping up learning about division. We will revisit this concept later in the school year. Students will be assessed on their understanding of division through a test. Grade 3 students will be assessed on the outcome: I can demonstrate an understanding of division (related to multiplication facts up to 5x5). Grade 4 students will be assessed on the outcomes: I can demonstrate mental math strategies for division facts related to multiplication up to 9x9, I can demonstrate an understanding of division (1 digit divisor and 2 digit dividend) to solve problems. Practice worksheets are available on the homework tab of the blog. - DIVISION TEST IS ON THURSDAY - Grade 4s have homework to practice division questions in their math journals that is due tomorrow morning. - Wednesday Feb 26 is Fun Lunch AND Pink Day 💝Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students


Today we discovered the many problems that plastic can create in our world. Some of the problems that the students identified were that animals can get stuck in it, plastic takes a very long time to decompose or break down, the first piece of plastic ever made still exists in this planet, plastic can harm plants by getting stuck in them. We also discovered the idea of biomagnification. Ask your child about their understanding of this concept. Are they able to draw a diagram or picture about this concept. - No school on Thursday, Friday or Monday. 💕Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

Mission Impossible In Phys Ed

Today was our first day of completing the Mission Impossible Obstacle Course in Phys Ed. There were so many different challenges that the students needed to try. We had to ride on scooters through pylons. We have to travel from one place to another using balance boards, and we had to army crawl under benches that held pool noodle. In Math, the grade 4s students are learning 2 digit by 1 digit multiplication with Ms. Duque and the grade 3s looked at different vocabulary that is used in division and multiplication word problems. - There is no school on Thursday, Friday or Monday. Enjoy a 5 day long weekend. - If your child would like to share Valentine's cards with all of the students in the class, they can do so at the end of the day on Wednesday. - Please do not bring any snack, chocolates etc. to share for Valentine's Day since we need to respect all students with allergies. 💖 Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

Waste and Our World Art

Today we communicated how humans can both help and hurt the world by the actions that we choose. Ask your child what they added to their art to share their understanding. - There is no school next Thursday and Friday due to Teachers Convention ♡Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

Consumers, Decomposers and Producers

Today in Science, we discussed the information that students gathered about producers, consumers and decomposers and their roles on Earth. We then determined what different organisms were through a game and watched a video of decomposers hard at work. Here is a link to the game we played in class: Here is a video that we watched of mold decomposing a tomato: - There is no school next Thursday, Feb 13, Friday Feb 14 or Monday  Feb 17. 💑Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

Picture Day is Tomorrow

A reminder that class photos are tomorrow! Today was our first day of Book Clubs. Each week your child is responsible for reading a portion of their book and creating a mini project based on what they have read. Ask your child what book they are reading, and what project they chose to complete this week. If you child does not finish the assigned reading by Thursday to participate in their group discussion, they are welcome to take their book home and finish the reading for the week after school. In French, students played addition and subtraction games and the girls won! - There is no school next Thursday February 13 or Friday February 14. 💟Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

Picture Day is on Wednesday

There were complications with class pictures that were taken earlier in the school year. We will be retaking class photos this Wednesday. A class list for Room 9 is going home today. This is for Valentine's Day cards if you child would like to participate. This not mandatory. However, your child would like to bring Valentine's cards for their class, they must bring a card for everyone. The spirit day for this month is Pink Shirt Day. This special day will take place on February 26th. Be creative, do not buy new clothes for pin shirt day. The virtue of the month this month is caring. Ask your child what this means to them. 😻Ms. Rothe and room 9 Students