
Showing posts from October, 2019

Grade 5/6 Buddies

Today the Grade 3/4 worked with the Grade 5/6 buddies for most of the morning and afternoon. During this time we worked with spooky numbers, did a visualization task with a Halloween poem and had this writing prompt for the picture below. " You are a realtor and you are writing a description to advertise this house on the real estate website. You need to make sure it is descriptive so that people are interested. Be careful that your description does not scare anyone!" - There is no school tomorrow 💗 Ms. Rothe 

Grade 5/6 Learning Assembly

Today we were invited to watch the first learning assembly of the school year! The Grade 5/6s shared their learning about many topics such as Orange Shirt Day, Ancient Athens, and the Iroquois Confederation. The Grade 3/4s will be presenting their learning assembly on November 28th. Today students were assigned to become experts on region of Alberta. They will be presenting their learning of this topic during the learning assembly on November 28th. - There is no school on Friday - Students are welcome to wear their costumes on Halloween but this is not mandatory 💙Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students 

Spirit Day - October 31st

On October 31st the spirit day will be wear your Halloween costume to school. Reminders about safety (masks impede vision so please don’t wear masks) and appropriateness of your costume (not too scary, no weapons with your costume). Students can wear their costume all day if they choose. Student Voice representatives choose a spirit day each month.  These days are always optional.  Students can choose to participate or choose not to participate. Today we learnt more about using different strategies to help with our reading comprehension. We are learning and practicing the strategy of visualization. Today they were asked to listen to the description for each of the 6 regions of Alberta. Ask your child what visualization is and what region they are most interested in.  - There is no school on Friday, November 1st 💝Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

Arches or Squares?

Today in Science we tested out to find the answer "is an arch or square bridge stronger". We will discuss the results of this experiment tomorrow. In Math we introduced to concept of comparing numbers. Students were challenged to line up in order from oldest to youngest. They realize it was harder to organize this then it is to organize small numbers like 20, 8,7 and 19. - Halloween is coming up next Thursday. Students are welcome to wear their costume but do not have to. It is their choice. Please remember that toy weapons, props, and masks must stay at home for the day. Please do not wear anything that stops the learning in the classroom. Remember keep any Halloween treats that are intended to be shared at home since we want to respect all students with allergies. 🖤Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

Landforms of Alberta

Today in Social Studies we learnt about the different landforms around the world. We then applied this understand to discuss what types of landforms there are in Alberta. Ask your child what landforms we have in our province. Do we have oceans? Do we have deserts? Do you we have lakes and rivers? In Math we are continuing to learn about place value. Here is the Math problem that students solved this week. "A candy shop sells chocolates in boxes of 10, placed on the shelves, or as singles in a display case. The shop receives the boxes in crates of 10 boxes per crate, which they keep behind the counter to restock the shelves and the display case. The shop has 824 candies in stock. The shopkeepers need to know that all of their chocolate is accounted for. What are some of the different ways those candies could be found in the shop, if some are in the display, some are on the shelves in boxes, and some are in crates?" You can change the numbers on the question and work with
Today in Phys Ed we played a fun game where we had to collect balls and put them in our own hula hoops. In Social Studies we started to discuss what we know about Alberta. This month we will be focusing on the geography and regions of Alberta. Here is a video that we watched to get students thinking about what they may already know about our province. -Fun Lunch is on Thursday 💝Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

Picture Day and Bridges!

Today was picture day and all the students got to show off their beautiful smiles! In Science, we are learning about buildings and materials. Today the Grade 3s and 4s went on the laptops with a partner to learn about different kinds of bridges. The bridges they learnt about today are the beam bridge, the arch bridge, the suspension bridge, and the truss bridge. We will continue this learning throughout the next few days. Students will then be challenged to create their own bridges. During Literacy, we read an article about sinkhole. Ask your child how sinkholes are created. - There is no school on Monday - Please return signed Data Analysis Test 💘Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

Place Value using natural objects!

Today during Math we went outside to see what students could find in our school yard that was related to Math. Here are some of the things that students noticed: - "On the playground, like shapes." (G.K) - "I see a pattern." (A.A.) - "I saw grass that reminded me of tens blocks." (A.B.) - "I saw dark leaf, light leaf, dark leaf, light leaf. Thats a pattern." (D.N.) - "Adding rocks, leaves, grass and trees." (A.C.) Students were then asked to represent different numbers using objects outside. Look at the pictures below. Leafs represent 100s, grass and sticks are 10s and rocks are 1s. The Data Analysis test is being sent home. Please have your child make the corrections and home then sign and return. - Picture Day is tomorrow - There is no school on Monday 🖤Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

Rocks and Rings Tournament

Today we had our final day of Rocks and Rings in Phys Ed. Students were on teams of four and they participated in a eight round tournament. We also learnt about leaving tracks while we are reading. Ask your child how you can leave tracks while you are reading a book. This is something that they can practice at home. - Picture Day is on Thursday, October 17th. Room 9 is scheduled to take pictures at 9:20 so please try to be on time - There is no school on Monday, October 21st.

Place Value

We are now learning about place value in Math. Students in grade 3 are learning number in the 1000s place value. Students in grade 4 are learning numbers in the 10 000s place value. We have learned about different ways to show a number such as with base 10 blocks, standard form, expanded form and written form. Ask your child if they know how to show the number 5687 in all four ways.  - There is no school tomorrow or on Monday - On Tuesday the Rocks and Rings Tournament will be taking place in the gym  💕Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students 

Rocks and Rings

Today was our first day participating in the Rocks and Rings program. Today we learned how to sweep, we also had stations where we played red light green light with brooms and practiced throwing the rocks into the house. We also started learning about building and materials in science. Tomorrow we are going to test out which pillar is the strongest between a rectangular prism, a cylinder and a triangular prism. Here is a video we watched to introduce the building unit. - There is no school on Friday. - There is no school on Monday.

"Ketchup" Up Work Being Sent Home

Today we had our first lockdown and the grade 3/4s did great! We also received our Digital Citizenship Contract and discussed it in class. This yellow contract is being sent home today. Please re-read it with your child and sign it on the back. We also organized our folder holders and went through our 'ketchup' up. If your child is still finishing up work from the beginning of the year they are expected to now take it home to complete at home. This homework will be due next Thursday, October 10th. - Rocks and Ring form is due ASAP - this program will take place on October 8th - 'Ketchup' Homework is due Thursday October 10th - There is no school next Friday October 11th - Picture Day is on Thursday October 17th 💛Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

New Math Game

Today in Literacy we started Literacy Centres. Ask your child which centres they participated in today. In Math we learned a new Math game called 16 squares. All you need is a scrap piece of paper, dice or cards and a pencil. Ask your child how to play this game at home.  A reminder that we will be doing a Data Analysis Math test tomorrow. There are practice pages that your child can complete at home listed in a blog post below.  - There is no school on Friday, October 11th  - Picture day is on October 17th  - Please return your blue Rocks and Rings form to participate on October 8th