
Showing posts from September, 2019

Orange Shirt Day

Today so many of the Room 9 students wore orange shirts to recognize the survivors of residential schools.  Orange   Shirt   Day   is an annual event that acknowledges and honours the healing journey of students of the residential school experience in Canada.  Every child matters, and we choose to participate in this special   day   to come together in the spirit of reconciliation. You can read more about the purpose of this day here: Here is a video about how Orange Shirt Day was created. - A yellow form is coming home today regarding lock downs. - A notice is coming home about Picture Day - this will be taking place on October 17th - If you have not done so already, please sign and return the blue Rock and Rings form so that your child can participate. - There is a PD Day on October 11

Practice of Math Assessment #2

Below is a link of practice questions that will help prepare your child for the Data Analysis Assessment that we will be having on Wednesday. No need to print off the paper just have your child answer the questions on a scrap piece of paper. ♡ Ms. Rothe

Practice For Math Assessment

Next week's homework is great practice to prepare students even more for the Data Analysis Assessment that is coming up on Wednesday. Click on the homework tab at the top of the blog to access this weeks math problem of the week. - Reminder that Orange Shirt Day is on Monday ♡ Ms. Rothe

Math Assessment Coming Up

Today the grade 3 students completed their math portion of the SLA, while grade 4 students focused on pictographs and multiplication and division. Next week on Wednesday we will be having a assessment on Data Analysis and Graphing. Here are the outcomes that your child will be tested on.  Grade 3:  General Outcome: Collect, display and analyze data to solve problems.  Specific Outcomes  1. Collect first-hand data and organize it using:  • tally marks  • line plots  • charts  • lists to answer questions 2. Construct, label and interpret bar graphs to solve problems. Grade 4:  General Outcome: Collect, display and analyze data to solve problems.  Specific Outcomes  1. Demonstrate an understanding of many-to-one correspondence.  2. Construct and interpret pictographs and bar graphs involving many-to-one correspondence to draw conclusions. - Orange Shirt Day is on Monday, September 30th. - Data and Graphing Assessment is on Wednesday Octobe

Terry Fox Run

Today we participated in the Terry Fox Run. Ask your child how many laps they were able to complete. We had a classroom conversation about what it means to be a hero and learnt about what made Terry Fox a hero. Here is a video that we watched. The grade 3s also started their reading SLA. You can ask them what types of questions they completed. - Orange Shirt Day is on Monday, September 30h. - You are able to sign up for Fun Lunch - please look at the blog posts below. - Please return the blue Rocks and Rings form ASAP 😻Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students


Today all Room 9 students were given headphones. These headphones will be theirs and stay at school until they are in grade 6. These head phone were donated by one of our students' parents. Thank you so much! Today the grade 4 students helped the grade 3 students practice for the SLAs. Grade 3 students will be completing the assessments this week and next week. If you would like to practice at home please visit  - The Terry Fox Run is being rescheduled for tomorrow due to weather. Please ensure your child is dressed for the weather and wearing appropriate footwear. - Orange Shirt Day is on September 30th

Fun Lunch and Rocks & Rings

October Fun Lunch is Little Ceasars – on Thursday, Oct 24, 2019 -To order online go to the school webpage -Scroll down to “View All Useful Links”   -Scroll & click on “Healthy Hunger” and place your order. A blue form was sent home for the Rocks and Rings curling program. Please sign and return.

Prodigy Math

Today we were able to get all of the room 9 students set up on Prodigy Math. Below are the usernames for each student. Go to to practice math skills at home. - Terry Fox Run is on Thursday this week. Please make sure you dress for the weather and wear sneakers.  - Orange Shirt Day is on Monday, Sept 30th. 

Parent Teacher Conferences

We will be having Parent Teacher Conferences today and tomorrow. If you have not booked a conference yet please call the office of visit the school website to book online. Today we started graphing data that we collect from our classmate. We also started mapping our house. Please ask your child what type of view we used to map our house.  - No school tomorrow  ♡ Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students 

Mapping in Social Studies

Today in school we had our very first assembly of the year. During the assembly "we saw videos and learned the three pillars of respect" (DW). During Social Studies we reviewed the seven continents of the world. Here is a video that we watch to help us remember the continents. Ask your child which continent is the easy to remember. - Please book a conference if you have not done so already - There is no school this Friday - Terry Fox Run is on September 26th - Orange Shirt Day is on September 30th ♡ Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students


Please sign up for conferences on Thursday and Friday. More information on blog post below. Today we started learning and talking about mapping. Students where asked to share all of the information they know about geography.  For example, they were asked what is a map and what are they used for? - There is no school on Friday September 20th. - Terry Fox Run is on Thursday September 26th ♡ Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

Reminder for Conferences

If you have not done so already, please sign up for conferences. We would love for you to come and meet Ms. Rothe so that we can talk about our learning. Please go to  to sign up for a conference. Conferences will be taking place on Thursday, September 19th from 4:30 - 7:45 and on Friday, September 20th from 8:00 to 12:45. Today we got our writing journals and inquiry journals. We created a story about a 'summer day' or 'what if there were no adults in the world'. Ask your child which writing prompt they chose to write a story about. - There is no school on Friday September 20th. ♡ Ms. Rothe & Room 9 Students

Homework Tab

There has been a new optional homework tab added to the blog. Please take a look at it if you are looking for a math problem that your child could work on at home. ♡ Ms. Rothe

'Ketchup' Work

Today is the first day that you are able to sign up for conferences. We would love for you to come and meet Ms. Rothe so that we can talk about our learning. Please go to  to sign up for a conference. Conferences will be taking place on Thursday, September 19th from 4:30 - 7:45 and on Friday, September 20th from 8:00 to 12:45. Today in class we compared characters in the read aloud story The One and Only Ivan. We also finished up some pieces of our 'Ketchup' work. In Math we did a basic facts test and learnt about graphing and data. Today we also had our first fire drill... without Sparky the dog! Reminders: - Please sign up for conferences - There is no school on Friday, September 20th.


Today in Math we used technology to learn about reading graphs and analyzing data. Here are some of the things that we learned about. "I learned about and we read graphs." N.K "I learned in French we were practicing how to say hi and introduce ourselves." Y.E "I learned about graphs and which ones are which." A.C.K - Parent Teacher Conferences are on September 19th and 20th. Booking is available tomorrow. - There is no school on September 20th ♡ Ms. Rothe and Room 9


Today we worked on our French and we learned about rules and art. In Math we did a test and we did math games. We did catch up work. We went to gym and we went with room 6! * This blog post was written in the style of one word story where each student says one word at a time! - There is a brochure going home today from Child Safe Canada - Please return the blue form if you haven't done so already

Growth Mindset

With this rainy weather, please remember to respect yourself by dressing for the weather. Today we learnt about new words in French and two new songs. We also learnt about growth mindset. This is when we think positively about ourselves. These are some things that a person with a growth mindset could say. "I can do this" " I am happy that I am trying my best" " I can learn" - A yellow fundraiser form is coming home today. Please read and send back if you are interest in purchasing Old Dutch chips. - A fire will be coming up sometime this week. Students have talked about how we can prepare for this. - Please bring indoor shoes if you have not yet already.

Me vs. We

Today we read a book called My Mouth is a Volcano. (RA) It is able interrupting other when they are talking. We finish some of our ME vs. WE book. We played four corners in the classroom to get to know our classmates. Room 6 also came to visit our classroom for Math today. Please read the yellow form that is coming home today. ♡ Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students

Respectful Conversations

Students in Room 9 had their first music class of the year today. They will be visiting Ms. Weir for music every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. They also learnt how to introduce themselves in French with Mrs. Lisk. Ask your child to tell you their name in French! We also read the story The Crayon Box That Talked and talked about what it means to have a respectful conversation. Here are some of the ideas that Room 9 came up with! A blue, green and beige form were sent home today. Please read and return if applicable. ♡ Ms. Rothe

Scavenger Hunt

Today we learned about different things... we did a scavenger hunt around the class with letters that spelled first day. (E.C). We also did a cup stacking challenge (A.B). We played a fun game in gym, where we had to pass a ball using only our feet! (D.W.) We did a school tour from our side of the school to the other side of the school. (C.P) We got to meet new friends and do new things. (A.A) Please read the yellow form that is being sent home today. ♡ Ms. Rothe and Room 9 Students